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JSC «Avers» - «Doctor Light»
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Latest News, physiotherapeutic devices, "Doctor Light"

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In the period from January to July 2020, clinical studies were carried out in leading medical higher educational institutions of Russia on the influence of the blue spectrum of light (not ultraviolet) for the prevention and treatment of all types of

The "AVERS" research and production company has prepared for publication a new Manual for teachers of higher educational institutions and specialists in the field of medicine, biochemistry and biology - "THE EFFECT OF OXYGEN INSUFFICIENCY ON ANIMAL BODY"
The monograph describes in detail the most important regularities of the interaction of oxygen with the constituent organic molecules of animal cells, gives the basic concepts of the biochemical processes occurring in an animal cell under the influence

During 2020, all efforts of JSC "Avers" will be dedicated primarily towards the testing of the following types of produce: phototherapeutic devices, physiotherapeutic devices, medical, veterinary and home appliance technologies.
Products in medical technology: • Vibrating phototherapeutic belt “AVERS-Vibro” • Vibrating device with a monochrome emitter of the sunlight spectrum for nasal treatments “AVERS-Rin” • Tampon with a

Good news for parents of kids below age of 4 : LED dummy "Doctor Light" for prophylaxix and treatment of respiratory viral infections now is available in Farmacy chain "36,6"
Physiotherapeutic device LED Dummy "Doctor Light" with monochromatic blue emitter. Dummy "Doctor Light" is for treating and preventing acute forms of respiratory viral infections. It is also able to remove toothache at infants of

Phototherapeutic and physiotherapeutic devices of the generation that JSC “Avers” is developing on the base on a monochromatic emitter that produces no side effects when compared to laser treatment
Avers workforce is a collection of scientists with high qualifications which allows goals to be achieved much quicker with very productive results. The community of the company carries out scientific research in the fields of physiotherapeutic devices of

JSC "Avers" began a small-scale production of industrial organic compounds from local raw materials
PERSPECTIVE ORGANIC CHEMICALS 1. Acetoacetic ether - 2. Acetylacetone - 3. Propionylacetone - 4. n-Valeroylacetone - 5. Isobutyrylacetone -

Products, Latest News, physiotherapeutic devices, "Doctor Light"


A device to extend shelf time of food products "AVERS-Freshguard", Specification 5150-001-58568926-2010
A device to extend shelf time of food products "AVERS–Freshguard".

Latest News, Latest News, physiotherapeutic devices, "Doctor Light"

Latest News


The "AVERS" research and production company has prepared for publication a new Manual for teachers of higher educational institutions and specialists in the field of medicine, biochemistry and biology - "THE EFFECT OF OXYGEN INSUFFICIENCY ON ANIMAL BODY"

During 2020, all efforts of JSC "Avers" will be dedicated primarily towards the testing of the following types of produce: phototherapeutic devices, physiotherapeutic devices, medical, veterinary and home appliance technologies.

Good news for parents of kids below age of 4 : LED dummy "Doctor Light" for prophylaxix and treatment of respiratory viral infections now is available in Farmacy chain "36,6"

Phototherapeutic and physiotherapeutic devices of the generation that JSC “Avers” is developing on the base on a monochromatic emitter that produces no side effects when compared to laser treatment

JSC "Avers" began a small-scale production of industrial organic compounds from local raw materials