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JSC «Avers» - «Doctor Light»
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Phototherapeutic device "Doctor Light", a product of medical equipment, physiotherapeutic devices, "Doctor Light"

Phototherapeutic device "Doctor Light", a product of medical equipment

All rights for Phototherapeutic and Physiotheurapeutic products "Doctor Svet", "Avers Shower", "Avers Light", "Avers-SUN", "AVERS-Freshguard", "AVERS-STREAM" are reserved trademarks for "JSC Avers".


A medical equipment product, phototherapy device "Doctor Light", is intended for the prevention and therapy with monochromatic light of the visible spectrum of blue light of all types of respiratory and viral infections, including COVID-19, including acute respiratory infections, ARVI, laryngitis, rhinitis, tracheobronchitis, sinusitis, colds diseases with symptoms of a runny nose, difficulty swallowing and fever, fungal infection of the oral mucosa, toothache, especially during the period of their eruption, as well as heterogeneous forms of influenza in children from birth to four years. The device ensures the normalization of the general condition, significantly reduces the swelling of the oropharynx during catarrhal manifestations in acute respiratory infections, reduces the pain reaction and alleviates the child's condition after vaccinations, as well as relieves allergic manifestations, including hay fever and diathesis.

Phototherapeutic device «Doctor Light», a product of medical equipment Phototherapeutic device «Doctor Light», a product of medical equipment

As a preventive measure, in case of manifestation of symptoms of viral diseases of any of the family members, it is recommended to carry out procedures for the child, as well as at the first symptoms of the disease, according to the Instructions attached to the device.

The unique phototherapy device "Doctor Light" is built into the pacifier-pacifier familiar to children. Forms of orthodontic nipples, for different ages of the child, are made of transparent hygienic silicone, also developed in the AVERS company, together with the Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in 2006. The company conducted research, together with the Institute, on the shape of the oral cavity in newborns, both in healthy children and with congenital pathologies, and the most optimal forms were adopted. The nipples have three age sizes:

Phototherapeutic device «Doctor Light», a product of medical equipment
  • S – from birth to 9 months;
  • M – 9 - 18 months;
  • L – 18 - 36 months.

The device has four body colors:

  • pink and red cases are offered for girls;
Phototherapeutic device «Doctor Light», a product of medical equipment Phototherapeutic device «Doctor Light», a product of medical equipment
  • for boys, blue and green buildings are offered.
Phototherapeutic device «Doctor Light», a product of medical equipment Phototherapeutic device «Doctor Light», a product of medical equipment

The basis of the preventive and therapeutic qualities of the device on the oral mucosa and on the child's body as a whole is the emission of a blue monochromatic spectrum of light with a strictly specified wavelength. After conducting clinical trials in 2019 - 2020 on COVID-19 at 1 Moscow State Medical University named after I.M.Sechenov, Research Institute of Pulmonology and Novosibirsk State Medical University with the phototherapy device "AVERS-Light" and obtaining amazing results, prevention and therapy of COVID - 19, it was decided that in the "Doctor Light" device the monochromatic emitter with a wavelength of 435 nm will be replaced by an emitter with a wavelength, like that of the "AVERS-Light" device. Since July 2020, the Doctor Light device has been mass-produced with a new emitter.

During clinical trials, it was found that the Doctor Light device has no side effects, it is indispensable for coughs, runny nose, inflammation, viral diseases, including COVID-19, and colds. The phototherapy device is especially indispensable at the time of teething, as it provides relief from pain, and most importantly, it provides microcirculation of the gum blood, which relieves swelling of the gingival tissue. Also, the device removes well any allergic manifestations: medicinal, off-season and others. Diathesis disappears after several procedures.

The phototherapy device "Doctor Light" is very easy to use, electrically safe and ergonomic. The device is switched on by means of a magnetic card and is programmed for 3000 uses. Considering that, on average, a child gets sick from 7 to 15 times a year, this is quite enough for 3 years. The device provides a therapeutic resonance frequency of 50 Hz, the purpose of which is to activate hemoglobin and activate the blood supply center. These factors significantly increase gas metabolism and bring large amounts of energy into the body. As a result, metabolic processes at the cellular level are activated, the body fights more actively against pathogenic microbes and their toxins as a result of an increase in the production of T - lymphocytes, T - active lymphocytes and B - cells, the presence of which determines the immunity of a child.

The toxicological safety of the Doctor Light phototherapy device has been confirmed by numerous tests in certified testing laboratories in Russia and Germany.

Products, Phototherapeutic device "Doctor Light", a product of medical equipment, physiotherapeutic devices, "Doctor Light"


Physiotherapeutic device for hydro-massage with light emission "AVERS Shower"
Good for every day use and treatment of cardio-vascular diseases (Ischemic diseases, arterial deficiency of the lower extremity and diseases causing thickening of the blood) also Orthopedic diseases (Osteochondrosis and Arterial Arthritis of joints).

Latest News, Phototherapeutic device "Doctor Light", a product of medical equipment, physiotherapeutic devices, "Doctor Light"

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