All rights for Phototherapeutic and Physiotheurapeutic products "Doctor Svet", "Avers Shower", "Avers Light", "Avers-SUN", "AVERS-Freshguard", "AVERS-STREAM" are reserved trademarks for "JSC Avers".
The “Avers-Sun” bio-lamp set includes 3 bulbs with the standard screw-in base. The bio-lamp works of a standard 220-240 V European 2 pin plugs. The light emissions are in the bands of:
Blue – 430nm – 460nm ± 2nm
Green – 495nm – 525nm ± 2nm
Red – 660nm – 740nm ± 2nm
Every one of the single monochromatic emitters has a fixed wavelength. Emitting power is about 5-15 milliwatts with working time of no less than 10000 hours. Fields of use: therapy, medical centers and personal uses. Medical test for the “Avers-Sun” bio-lamp was conducted at the “Medical research centre for obstetrics, gynecology and parentology of Medical Research Academy of Russia; Clinical Hospital Number 1 (Volynskaya) Executive office of the President of RF; Central military hospital P.V. Mandryka.
Registration No. POCC RU.ÈÌÎ2. 14526 as of 19/01/2007.
Methods of use:
Apply locally to a pre cleaned area of the skin that is to be treated. The distance at which best kept should be about 5-7cm from the surface of the skin to the emitter lens. When Applying to the face, the eyes must be protected with sunglasses or closed.
Procedure duration:
10-20 minutes
Number of procedures:
10-20. 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. After a 30 day break, repeat all procedures.
Not recommended to use after NMR therapies or EM therapies.
We cannot begin to comprehend enough the meaning of light as we get all that is necessary for life from it. Without it, just like without air, will have negative effects on the human body. Sunlight plays the key role during the ages of development of man. It is very common for healthy people to be in great need of sunlight however the take in and sensitivity of the skin varies from person to person.
It is know that sunlight effects the creation and development of the different human races. Those cultures who inevitable are effected by sunlight, for example Africans and Native Americans (Indians), tend to have a strong and well built kind of people. The same works in reverse, people of the north, they do not get much of sunlight and therefore tend to have a grayish yellow skin colour, and suffer from various illnesses. Thanks to the sun’s rays, the body’s metabolic rates tend to speed up. Back in 1866 it was proven that a person during sleeping hours at night, on average gives off 23% less Carbon Dioxide than sleeping during the day time.
It’s tough but true that in Russia, the only place that can provide sunlight is in Krasnodar Krai but even that is only 87% of the real demand. As for areas above the 50º Latitude, those are about just about self explanatory with less than 30% of the demand. As for polar regions, enough said already.
Thereby, finishing research on the properties of the blue, green and red colours of light, researchers of the JSC Avers have created the bio-lamp “Avers-Sun”. This is one of the must-have things in the house to get the required solar energy we do not get.
A matrix with monochromic visible-light spectrum emitters for computer mouse "AVERS-Stream", Specification 6342-001-58668926-2011
The "AVERS" research and production company has prepared for publication a new Manual for teachers of higher educational institutions and specialists in the field of medicine, biochemistry and biology - "THE EFFECT OF OXYGEN INSUFFICIENCY ON ANIMAL BODY"
During 2020, all efforts of JSC "Avers" will be dedicated primarily towards the testing of the following types of produce: phototherapeutic devices, physiotherapeutic devices, medical, veterinary and home appliance technologies.
Good news for parents of kids below age of 4 : LED dummy "Doctor Light" for prophylaxix and treatment of respiratory viral infections now is available in Farmacy chain "36,6"
Phototherapeutic and physiotherapeutic devices of the generation that JSC “Avers” is developing on the base on a monochromatic emitter that produces no side effects when compared to laser treatment