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Home / Products / A device to extend shelf time of food products "AVERS-Freshguard", Specification 5150-001-58568926-2010

A device to extend shelf time of food products "AVERS-Freshguard", Specification 5150-001-58568926-2010, physiotherapeutic devices, "Doctor Light"

A device to extend shelf time of food products "AVERS-Freshguard", Specification 5150-001-58568926-2010

All rights for Phototherapeutic and Physiotheurapeutic products "Doctor Svet", "Avers Shower", "Avers Light", "Avers-SUN", "AVERS-Freshguard", "AVERS-STREAM" are reserved trademarks for "JSC Avers".

A device to extend shelf time of food products "AVERS –Freshguard" A device to extend shelf time of food products "AVERS-Freshguard", Specification 5150-001-58568926-2010, Certificate of Conformity

This device is intended to extend significantly the shelf time of food products of plant and animal origin without freezing. The device operates independently in freezer with no power supply; it is suitable in long trips with no freezer (cold containers) keeping the food products unspoiled.

This device uses monochromatic visible blue light spectrum emitters with the wavelengths of 430 – 470 nm. The device turns on automatically in 3 hours for 10 minutes. It is powered by independent electrical power elements (type AAA), which provide the operation of the device for the period of two months. This principle allows to keep the food products unspoiled in case of interruptions of power supply, which occurs not rarely in country houses in summer time. The device is fastened with suction caps to any wall of freezer or container for carriage of food products.

The device operation is based not only on anti-bacterial property of blue light, which is important, but also on photosensitization (absorbing) of certain wavelengths of a given spectrum by molecules of animal cells. Receiving additional energy of the absorbed quantum the cell is able to attract oxygen independently without blood circulation and to live long.

Food products are stored presently in domestic and industrial freezers with various cooling temperatures (from -5 C to -35 C and from +1 C to +12 C). Meat and meat products, fish and fish products are undergone to deep freezing in case of long storage (from -5 C to -35 C), and they lose their flavoring and nutritious properties in case of fast unfreezing. Defrosting with keeping the said properties preserved must be performed during 24 hours at the temperature of 18-20 C. It is so long. Plant (vegetable) products are not mainly undergone to freezing as they lose their flavoring properties and usefulness. This relates to milk and dairy products.

A device to extend shelf time of food products "AVERS –Freshguard" Storage of animal products at low temperatures allows to keep them unspoiled for a long time, as the cooling retards significantly microbiological reactions and ferments’ activity. Microbial reproduction is inversely proportional to storage temperature: the closer the storage temperature is to zero centigrade, the weaker microbial activity will be. Microorganisms reproduce much more slowly at much lower temperatures, but mould (some of its species) can develop even at the temperatures around -8 C. At the temperatures below -20 C, no microbial reproduction may occur.

However, significant oscillations of temperature result in damage of meat fibers, because ice crystals grow significantly. After temperature rises, the said ice crystals melt and fiber structure in the meat fibers deteriorates.

Melons, watermelons, pineapples, kiwi, mangos, bananas, tomatoes, cucumbers and other heat-loving crops need not storage in freezer. Similarly, it is better to store onions, garlic and potatoes out of freezer.

After opening the package, curds, cheese and butter must be protected against extraneous smells they tend to absorb and also against fast growing microorganisms, as a result of which storage time is shortened.

Blue light (430 – 470 nm) has very high antimicrobial effect; it is also penetrates into deep tissues, which is necessary in treating of meat and fish products with light. Blue light does not have damaging effect on cells, which provides native quality characteristics of meat, fish, dairy products and also plant (vegetable) products. In addition, it is noted that milk, having been treated with blue light spectrum, becomes anti-rachitic, which is important to babies.

Plant products (vegetables, fruits, greenery) preserve viable plant cells and also flavoring and useful properties after illumination by means of the aforementioned light spectrum (Rieder H. Treatment with Light. St.-Petersburg, magazine “Practical Medicine”, 1902, pages 11-24).

Comparative table of shelf time of food products

Product Freezer No freezer
  Without device With device Without device With device
Raw meat 3 16 1 10
Boiled meat 3 20 1 12
Boiled sausage 5 30 1 15
Raw fish 2-3 15 1 10
ÐBoiled fish 3 20 1 12
Raw Milk 2 15 1 10
Cheese 10 60 2-3 40
Bread 3 15 1-2 12
Fruits 3 15 5 20
Vegetables 2 10 1 20
Greenery 3-5 10 2 17

"Golden medal" was awarded for this devise at the International Exhibition of Inventions in Strasburg, in September 2011 "Golden medal" was awarded for this devise at the International Exhibition of Inventions in Strasburg, in September 2011


For matters of buying the devise, please contact us at:

12, Krivokolenny side-street, build.3, Moscow, 101000.

Products, A device to extend shelf time of food products "AVERS-Freshguard", Specification 5150-001-58568926-2010, physiotherapeutic devices, "Doctor Light"


Phototherapeutic device "Doctor Light", a product of medical equipment
The phototherapy device "Doctor Light" is intended for the prevention and therapy of all types of respiratory and viral infections with monochromatic light of the visible spectrum of blue light, including COVID-19, incl. ARI, ARVI, laryngitis, rhinitis, tracheobronchitis, sinusitis, colds with symptoms of a runny nose, difficulty swallowing and fever, fungal infection of the oral mucosa, toothache, incl. and during their eruption, as well as heterogeneous forms of influenza in children from birth to four years old.

Latest News, A device to extend shelf time of food products "AVERS-Freshguard", Specification 5150-001-58568926-2010, physiotherapeutic devices, "Doctor Light"

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