Home / Development prospectus / Patent for invention No. 2459574 "Method and system for determination of the area and extent of a patient’s affect and first-aid treatment in cases of burns, by means of visible light spectrum and ultrasound"
Patent for invention No. 2459574 "Method and system for determination of the area and extent of a patient’s affect and first-aid treatment in cases of burns, by means of visible light spectrum and ultrasound"
All rights for Phototherapeutic and Physiotheurapeutic products "Doctor Svet", "Avers Shower", "Avers Light", "Avers-SUN", "AVERS-Freshguard", "AVERS-STREAM" are reserved trademarks for "JSC Avers".
The group of inventions refers to medicine, namely to the area of a physical method of diagnostics of the area and extent of a patient’s affect and first-aid treatment in cases of burns, by means of visible light spectrum and ultrasound.
Method and system for determination of the area and extent of a patient’s affect and first-aid treatment in cases of burns, by means of visible light spectrum and ultrasound, is achieved by the fact that the device with preset functions, moving over a patient with bright white light, takes views, records and transmits to the display screen the total area of the wound surface of burns, including numerical correlation in percentage terms with a possibility of zooming of the most affected parts for record-keeping and observation over dynamics of the wound surface therapy. Under intensive dark blue light, borders of degrees of affect are defined since healthy tissue areas in the dark blue spectrum have pink colouring, body areas with injury of the ² and ²² degree are from light brown to brown colour, areas with the ²²² and ²V degree of injury are from grey-brown to black colour, necrosis eschar has brightly black colour. Depending on an extent of injury, the device offers medical products for each extent of injury, and the expert chooses therapy for every area. The device itself writes out a prescription and a method of medical products administration. Besides, by means of the ultrasound scanner, the device defines the depth of damage of skin integument and organs and, if necessary, displays the depth of burn injury on the monitor in two-dimensional image, and makes images for comparative dynamics of recovery. After determination of the area and extent of injury, the device diffuses fine aerosol of an antiseptic agent for quick decrease of temperature on the wound surface and prophylactics of infectious complications. After application of the antiseptic agent, phototherapy by dark blue spectrum is made over the whole wound surface with simultaneous air ventilation for pain management, decrease of the wound surface temperature, recovery of its microcirculation and air erasion of necrotic tissues. After obligatory surgical intervention (upon available water blisters), the device applies a medical product with film-forming suspension in the form of fine aerosol that again provides decrease of temperature of the ambustial surface and prevents “greenhouse effect” of the wound. After application of the medical product, the device switches on dark blue emitters, the spectrum of which reduces pain, recovers microcirculation, activates the medical product and increases metabolism of cells; and simultaneous switching of the ultrasonic transmitting device increases permeability of porus and membranes of skin cells and epithelium for medical products. After termination of the procedure, air ventilation is activated. The whole process of scanning and first aid treatment lasts for several minutes, procedures with phototherapy and air ventilation can be repeated, depending on severity of burn injury, for several times per 3 – 5 minutes. In case of application of autodermoplasty or xenoplasty (closing of an ambustial surface by means of dermepenthesis), phototherapy with simultaneous air ventilation is applied for removal of the exudate and liquid from the burn wounds’ surface. The dark blue spectrum will allow accelerating the process of wound surface healing and excluding reinfection, providing cytoprotective action, activating metabolic processes, improving blood supply of tissues at the microcirculation level.
The represented device includes several inventions in the field of medicine, biochemistry, phototherapy and robotic technology all at once. It allows considerable reducing time for first aid treatment in cases of burns and subsequent therapy, as well as taking photographs of the wound surface independently and independent determining of the efficiency of applied medical products, in case of their low efficiency, independent proposing of the more effective remedy. The whole process of therapy is fixed in the medical repor with description of criteria for estimation of its efficiency. The device itself has compact equipment and can be quickly mounted by medical attendants both at hospital and in ambulance cars.
The device has been developed by GRACHEV Alexander, the Chief Designer of AVERS SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION COMPANY.
Scope of application:
specialized burns centres;
medical healthcare facilities of the district and regional centres;
mobile medical aid stations.
The phototherapy device "Doctor Light" is intended for the prevention and therapy of all types of respiratory and viral infections with monochromatic light of the visible spectrum of blue light, including COVID-19, incl. ARI, ARVI, laryngitis, rhinitis, tracheobronchitis, sinusitis, colds with symptoms of a runny nose, difficulty swallowing and fever, fungal infection of the oral mucosa, toothache, incl. and during their eruption, as well as heterogeneous forms of influenza in children from birth to four years old.
The "AVERS" research and production company has prepared for publication a new Manual for teachers of higher educational institutions and specialists in the field of medicine, biochemistry and biology - "THE EFFECT OF OXYGEN INSUFFICIENCY ON ANIMAL BODY"
During 2020, all efforts of JSC "Avers" will be dedicated primarily towards the testing of the following types of produce: phototherapeutic devices, physiotherapeutic devices, medical, veterinary and home appliance technologies.