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JSC «Avers» - «Doctor Light»
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Home / Development prospectus / Light emitting bath-incubator for newly born and prematurely born babies.

Light emitting bath-incubator for newly born and prematurely born babies., physiotherapeutic devices, "Doctor Light"

Light emitting bath-incubator for newly born and prematurely born babies.

All rights for Phototherapeutic and Physiotheurapeutic products "Doctor Svet", "Avers Shower", "Avers Light", "Avers-SUN", "AVERS-Freshguard", "AVERS-STREAM" are reserved trademarks for "JSC Avers".

The product is designed for treatment of children who lived through a birth trauma (e.g. Jaundice), hypoxia of the brain and stress of varied intensity. Also, to improve the immune system of the newly born and prematurely born babies.
The product offers comfortable conditions for the baby and combining the blue light and warm water, gives optimal irradiation around the whole surface area of the baby keeping the constancy of the surroundings for the period of the treatment.
Fields of use:
  1. Maternity hospital;
  2. Medical centers;
  3. Rehabilitation and restoration clinics.
Products, Light emitting bath-incubator for newly born and prematurely born babies., physiotherapeutic devices, "Doctor Light"


Bio-Lamp "Avers-SUN"
For regular uses day to day uses, skin disorders (eczema, dermatomicosis, inflamed dermatosis, cuts, trophic ulcer, scars), anaemia, seasonal depression, Jet-Lag, allergic reactions, liver diseases (cerrosis of the liver, Hepatitis), secondary immunodeficiency, metabolic rate disorders and Paraproteinemia. (patent pending #54792 as of 27/07/2006)

Latest News, Light emitting bath-incubator for newly born and prematurely born babies., physiotherapeutic devices, "Doctor Light"

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The "AVERS" research and production company has prepared for publication a new Manual for teachers of higher educational institutions and specialists in the field of medicine, biochemistry and biology - "THE EFFECT OF OXYGEN INSUFFICIENCY ON ANIMAL BODY"

During 2020, all efforts of JSC "Avers" will be dedicated primarily towards the testing of the following types of produce: phototherapeutic devices, physiotherapeutic devices, medical, veterinary and home appliance technologies.